Saturday, January 17, 2009


My dating life sucks

The one you want is the one you can have

But the one(s) you can have you don't want

Even if you do want them it only a momentary fix

Definitely a rida if I like ya

"Can't believe what you have done to me" - Mya (No Touching)

In most cases/situations I take what I want

I have only been ready to jump twice

Once I actually did it and no body caught me

I ran like the wind after that

And ever since but now I am tired

I hate the saying this quote "The grass looks greener on the other side"

No it is greener I have been over there

I think I am narcissistic but I am ok with that

Maybe not

Men are not all dogs

Some look like other animal Prefect example

When does the cool chick get what she wants

I am soooooooooo young it's scary to think on day I will alone

Old Woman by bethanie de veau.

O hell no

Someone wanna be my roommate PLEASE!

How does a guy say "Ain't nothing wrong with me"

But follow it with "I ain't perfect"

Well don't they cancel out HMMM

Maybe I am too picky

Just eat it! by vagabondrhythm.

Nope I want what I got or better

A car, two spots, a job, higher education

Definitely not too much

It never really phases me to be without a "MAN"

Because they are never around long

I have one Man in my life

My pops

2007-1014ChargersRaiders (9) by Joy Elizabeth.

Definitely not over him

He is where my standards come from

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